Part of what makes Hacienda Mexico so unique is our excellent service. And our superior service is firmly based on the efficient and personal way in which we work. Our experience has led us to establish the following guidelines in order to better serve you.
Occasionally, clients are understandably eager to hit the road and start the search for their dream home. But our brief Intake Interview makes certain that we waste no time. We will get to know you and your tastes, as well as find out the life you envision for yourself and what kind of home you are seeking. It also lets us know if you are just beginning your search, are well into it, or are close to purchasing your dream home in the tropics. In other words, the Intake Interview helps us zero in on exactly the right luxury property for you, and ensure that we put all the mechanisms in place according to your particular timetable.
We sincerely take pleasure in showing our clients around this incredibly interesting area. We have devised full- or half-day viewings, as well as more casual ways to introduce the region. (See Viewing Properties). During this time we will be able to answer your questions about renovation, life in the tropics, day-to-day necessities, as well as address any other questions or concerns you may have.
Before, during and after your purchase of a luxury home in the tropics, you will no doubt have many questions about the legal aspects of home ownership in Mexico, how to find a great lawyer, how to manage your home if you will be using it as a rental, and so on. From the moment we meet you, we will begin to answer such questions. We will guide you through the purchasing process, including making recommendations about banks, fideicomiso trusts right through to the closing. And in addition, we will provide you with one month’s free consultation after you take ownership of the deed to your new home.
Home sales in Mexico have many unique aspects that will probably be unfamiliar even to those who have purchased multiple homes in the United States, Canada or Europe. Not only will we guide you through the process including introductions to lawyers who are well-versed in foreign ownership of Mexican property but we will also help ease you into your new life with a minimum of hassle. It is our job to inform you of all the paperwork and documents you will need so that you may breeze through the process, rather than getting bogged down unnecessarily because of lack of information and preparation. And of course we will accompany you on the day of the closing to ensure everything goes smoothly. If you are unable to attend the closing, we can also arrange for a Power of Attorney in order to take care of the details for you.